Often seen as the ultimate goal, the slim figure is often sought after by many people. This is not surprising since it is often put forward in magazines, TV shows, movies or in many other fields. Aesthetic or sanitary, the reasons are multiple but above all personal. Discover in this article some reasons that are interesting to know, especially if it fits with your physical goals!

For a warrior's mindset
Not everyone is like this, but many people don't feel good about themselves and decide to find solutions to remedy this problem. Practicing sports on a daily basis or going on a diet are good examples, especially if you decide to lose weight. Seeing your pounds fly away as the weeks go by or being able to put on your old favorite jeans or the last dress you saw in the store, are things that allow you to regain self-confidence. While this is a relative and personal argument, it's still important to put it out there.
For your health first
The aesthetic aspect may not have appealed to you, but what about your health? Overweight people are often more exposed to diseases and physical problems than others. In fact, extra pounds can put a person at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, heart problems and high blood pressure. In the case of type 2 diabetes, for example, studies have shown that a person who gains 5 to 8 kilograms has twice the risk of developing diabetes as someone who has not gained weight. It is also useful to know that more than 75% of people with this disease are obese or overweight.
In addition, the extra pounds are very bad for your joints since more pressure is placed on them. More pressure means more wear and tear on your joints, which means more injuries and problems. Arthritis is one of these problems. This inflammation, acute or chronic, is located in the knee and worsens over time. With every pound gained, the risk of developing it increases by 9 to 13 percent, which is not insignificant and always good to know.
How to lose weight?
Rather than giving boatloads of advice or non-effective diets, let's instead cite what's holding you back from losing weight:
1. Your diet is too restrictive!
Surely, cutting back on the calories you consume on a daily basis is a factor in losing weight, but did you know that your diet can make you fat? Indeed, if you deprive your body of too many calories and proteins, it will not be able to maintain your muscles since these two elements are essential to the structure and proper functioning of the latter. To make up for this lack of nutrition, your body will then burn your muscles (and not your fat!) to function, which will weaken it. This will weaken your body, which will then function at a slower pace and burn fewer and fewer calories. To give an imagined meaning, your body works like a car that needs to consume gasoline to start except that in this case, your gasoline is your food. So it's important to reduce your calories while still providing your body with good sources of energy.
Good to know : Consume protein! They contain tryptophan which is an essential amino acid that participates in the production of a hormone called serotonin: the hormone of happiness. This one will therefore compensate for your sweetest cravings which are signs of brain rewards!
2. You favor slimming waters
We all know that hydration on a daily basis brings plenty of benefits to your body such as detoxifying the body or improving your complexion and skin. Every day, you lose about three liters between your trips to the bathroom and your body sweating naturally at home or at work. It is therefore important to hydrate yourself throughout the day with neutral waters. That's right! The "slimming" type of water that you find everywhere, but mainly in supermarkets, contains too many minerals. These prevent detoxification in your body.
3. Stop panicking and stressing over nothing
Stress is a factor that holds you back in your "slimming" progress. Too much stress will allow cortisol levels to rise, a hormone that is important for various chemical processes. Cortisol has good and bad sides. For example, it will promote fat storage in your body and cause various problems with your bowel health. The solution? It is intrinsically linked to the hormone mentioned above: serotonin. This hormone will help regulate cortisol!"
4. It may be due to your health
Well, no matter how disciplined you are, how much you work out, how many calories you count and how determined you are to reach your physical goal but to no avail, those pesky pounds still won't let go? It is possible that you are suffering from a disease that is the cause. Thyroid or other disorders are the main suspects. To counteract them or simply mitigate their consequences on your health, there are various medications. However, some of them, such as beta-blockers or psychotropic drugs, will give you a hard time in your quest for slimness! A vicious circle quickly sets in as we enter into an interdependent relationship. It would then be wise to contact your doctor or a qualified nutritionist so that he can enlighten you more precisely.
What to remember
The reasons for losing weight are different and vary for each of us depending on the relationship we have with ourselves and the society we live in but one thing is for sure, it is good for your body! To optimize your efforts, certain parameters such as overly restrictive diets, inadequate hydration, stress or even your health must be addressed. Remember, nothing is impossible except what you decide not to undertake!