Improve shoulder stability: Y-lift with elastic band

< strong>Improveshoulderstability: elastic band Y lift

The muscles of the upper back work together to help us lift Keep the barbell in a good position during the overhead movement.

These small muscles attached to the scapula help us maintain the stability of the scapula and help "guide" your arm into position.

When athletes develop pain in the shoulder joint, elbow, or wrist during overhead barbell exercises (snatch, clean and jerk, press, overhead squat), instability of the scapula is often the culprit.

Resistance band oblique traction is a simple, easy-to-perform corrective exercise to help you improve scapula stability and reduce associated aches and pains.

When you pull the elastic band to the top of your head, feel the muscles behind your shoulders. Work. Pause at the top of the movement and hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 times per arm. The main purpose of high-rep training is to teach your body to work with correct movement patterns, optimize training, and maintain body stability!