Weight loss is a long process. In the process of fat loss, we not only need to pay attention to our daily diet, but also choose appropriate fitness exercises to achieve a better fat loss effect. Do you know what are the best fitness exercises for burning fat currently? Let’s find out together.
1. Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks are also known as: Jumping Jack. It is one of the aerobic exercises with a very good fat-burning effect and is often used for HIIT high-intensity training. When we perform jumping jacks, we can instantly ignite the fat all over the body and achieve the effect of losing weight. According to research, 20 minutes of jumping jack training every day is equivalent to the calories burned by jogging for an hour. When we are training, our legs need to jump outward. The distance between the legs should be slightly wider than shoulder width. The takeoff and landing should be strong. When jumping inward, the legs should be naturally close together and repeat the jumping action.
2. Burpee
Burpee is a compound movement, mainly combining push-ups and jumping movements. It is known as a fat killer, which shows its fat-burning effect. There are a lot of obvious ones. When we perform a title burpee, we need to use most of the muscles in the body. Before training, you should remain standing with your hands on both sides of your body. While squatting down, place your hands on the ground and push your legs back. After completing a push-up training action, bend your legs, retract your abdomen, and jump up to complete one action. It is recommended that novices train 5 sets of 20 movements every day.
3. Skipping
Skipping is one of the most widely spread fitness exercises. Whether it is weight loss or daily exercise, friends often do this exercise at home. . When we jump rope, we not only need to bear the weight of our body, but our arms also need to cooperate with the swinging motion. Studies have shown that 20 minutes of skipping training every day, 120 jumps per minute, is equivalent to all the calories consumed by running for 40 minutes, which is especially suitable for those who are tight on time.