9 tips for training chest muscles

9 Chest Muscle Exercise Tips

1. Breathing:Don’t hold your breath during the bench press exercise. Doing so can cause your blood pressure to rise sharply. High blood pressure can cause blood vessels to rupture, and even cause headaches or strokes. Particular care should be taken during overload training.

2. Range of motion: Try to increase the range of motion of training as safely as possible. For bench press, the barbell should be placed as far as possible on the chest muscles. Maximize the bending amplitude. On the other hand, when doing dumbbell chest flyes, the training range should be reduced to the principle that the dumbbell does not stretch below the chest muscles to avoid excessive stretching that may damage the joints and ligaments.

3. Grip width: To put it simply, the training effect of the overhead press on the chest muscles is directly proportional to the width of the bar held by both hands. In other words, the main training movements of the chest muscles should always use a wide grip, but the lines along the edge of the chest muscles need to be trained with a lighter weight and a narrow grip.

4. Training movement speed: When performing chest muscle training movements, the speed and weight should be fully controlled. That is to say, in each group of training, from the first Keep the weight under complete control until the last push. Moreover, the principle of fast up and slow down should generally be used.

5. Do not use your chest muscles to bounce the barbell: It is very dangerous to place the barbell heavily on your chest muscles and bounce it up and down in order to save effort. When doing a flat bench press, you should place the barbell gently on your chest or lower it to a 90-degree angle with your arms before pushing it up.

6. Barbell: Lower the arms to 90 degrees;

7.Training sequence: When training chest muscles, it should be placed before the training of triceps, deltoid muscles and other related muscles. Because if you start training the chest muscles after the muscles are tired, it will directly reduce the weight of the press.

8.Training methods should be diverse: Do not use the same movements for a long time to train the chest muscles, in order to stimulate the chest muscles every time you train. It requires all-round stimulation using different methods and angles.

9.Find a training partner: When engaging in overload training, insufficient strength will definitely occur. As a result, you will not be able to complete the entire set. At this time, it is best to have a training partner by your side to help with the last one or two. Of course, danger can also be avoided.

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Extended reading

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