Comprehensive bodybuilding and muscle-building plan

Muscle Net Tips: This plan is suitable for intermediate and above bodybuilding enthusiasts to learn. Choose two corresponding parts every day for matching exercises.

Muscle-building advice: Many muscle-building enthusiasts attach great importance to protein supplements, but ignore carbohydrate intake. Muscle gainers should consume at least 400-500 grams of staple food every day, such as bread, rice, steamed buns, etc. Carbohydrates are the body's main and most direct source of energy. Intake of appropriate carbohydrates can not only provide sufficient energy for exercise, but also minimize the proportion of muscle breakdown for energy during training.

Precautions for squatting: 1. Place the barbell on the trapezius muscles and under the neck. 2. Keep your lower back straight during the entire exercise. 3. Look ahead and above. 4. Squat until your thighs are lower than parallel to the ground. 5. Don’t lean your trunk too far forward. Keep your hips as vertical as possible to the ground. 6. Pass Static force, do not use rebound squats. 7. Try to reach failure.

Squats, deadlifts, and grip presses are the basic movements for fitness and bodybuilding, and they are very important for training to increase size and strength. When doing squats, you must keep your waist straight and do not lean forward; the knee joints of both legs should always be kept forward and do not buckle inward. In this way, the muscles will not be stimulated to the maximum and the knee joints will be easily injured.

Training plan sequence:

1 Chest training plan

2. Back training plan

3. Abdominal training plan

4. Forearm training plan

5. Biceps training plan

6 Triceps training plan

7 shoulder training plan

8. Quadriceps training plan

Chest training plan 1
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Flat barbell bench press 6 groups*6~15 (90~110kg)

Incline barbell bench press 4*10 90kg

Incline dumbbell bench press 4*10 30kg

Parallel bar arm extension 6*20

Chest Training Plan 2
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Flat bench press 6*10 100kg

Decline bench press 4*1060kg

Incline dumbbell fly 4* 20kg 17.5Kg 15kg 12.5kg Reach failure in each group

Parallel bar arm flexion and extension 4*6 weight
Under the supervision of the master, adjustments were made to the small right chest, and the lower edge and outer sides of the pectoral muscles were expanded.

Chest training plan 3
In view of the current weakness of the lower part of the chest muscles, the current training plan is:
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Decline barbell bench press 6*10 80kg~120kg

Flat bench press 4*10 90kg~100kg

Incline dumbbell fly 4*1020kg

Parallel bar arm flexion and extension 6*6, load 20kg

Latissimus dorsi training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps

120 wide-grip pull-ups, weight 20kg, 15kg, 10kg

Barbell rowing 3*10 80kg

Dumbbell rowing 3*10 30kg

Goat stand up 4*10 30kg curved barbell

Abs training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Flat crunch 4*20

Incline reverse crunch 4*30

Hanging leg raise 3*20

Rope crunch 3*30

Lateral crunches and sit-ups to failure

Forearm training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps


Overhand barbell wrist curl 6*30

Backhand dumbbell wrist curl 3*17.5, 15, 12.5
(Note: Small muscle groups are trained twice a week)

Biceps training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps


Barbell curl 4*20

Dumbbell curl 3*10 17.5, 15, 12.5kg

Triceps training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Tensioner pressure 3*20

Supine barbell arm extension 4*12

Bent-over dumbbell arm extension 4*10

Pressure failure under the rope

Shoulder Training Program
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Barbell behind-the-neck press 4*12


Dumbbell press 4*10

Lateral raise 3*10 17.5, 15, 12.5kg

Bent over dumbbell lateral raise 4*12

Barbell shrug exercise (front) 3*10

Barbell shrug exercise (last) 3*10

Quadriceps training plan
Exercises: Groups*Reps

Squat 8*8-15 100~140kg

Leg press 6 sets maximum number

Leg flexion and extension 4 sets of maximum number

Frog jump 4 groups of 20 reps each