How to exercise the inner chest muscles, how to exercise the inner chest muscles

Chest muscles It is the top priority for the development of all bodybuilders, and the perfection of the inner pectoral muscles is indeed the watershed between beginners and experts. Hurry up and exercise your inner pectoral muscles!

How should we exercise the inner chest muscles?

Always change your pre-game pectoral training regimen to target your inner pecs. Dumbbell exercises have a better effect on isolating a certain muscle area than barbell exercises. Therefore, when special training of the inner chest muscles is required, more dumbbell exercises will be arranged in training. Here are a few frequently practiced movements.

Horizontal bench dumbbell press

Use at the lowest point Once my muscles are fully stretched, I push the dumbbells up at an explosive speed. Explosive movements stimulate more of the fast-twitch muscle fibers that you must stimulate to gain muscle size. At the highest point, contract your chest muscles hard to ensure that every muscle fiber is mobilized.

At the top of the movement, do not bump the two dumbbells into each other. Because this will relax the continuous tension on your chest muscles, and sometimes it will even rust your face! Keep the dumbbells a few inches apart to create enough tension in your chest muscles.

Incline dumbbell press

You must ensure that every action is high Quality: allow the muscles to fully stretch at the lowest point and contract strongly at the highest point

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